First Day of Pregnancy

Shock.  Complete and utter shock.  I’m reminiscing, of course, back to the morning that I peed on a stick and finally saw two pink lines instead of one.  (For those of you who have never urinated on a detector to test HCG levels, two lines means PREGNANT!)  Yes, I’m going to describe that whole morning as shocked.  Only a woman who is in pregnancy shock still goes and feeds the dogs, showers, gets ready for work, and drives to the office without a note played from the radio.  Obviously, I should have taken a sick day after I had read the pregnancy test manual for the fifth time.

Naturally, a billion thoughts were running around my head, disjointed and tangled thoughts but thoughts none the less.  Number one was, What can I not eat?  Which was quickly followed by: How will I tell my husband?  Holy crap, there’s a baby in there. When am I due?  Is this real?  I don’t feel any different.  When should I call my doctor?  Is this why my boobs have been sore?  Am I really pregnant?  This coffee gives off a very distinct and slightly disgusting smell.  When should I tell my family?  Am I already craving chocolate?  This all rushed in along with a slew of other unknowns.

After frantically searching for answers on google all morning, I decided I had to go home at lunch.  My husband had been in the dark for too long, and I needed to share my insanity with someone!  On the way home, I stopped at Target and picked up two onesies to shove into a gift bag.  I also called my husband and told him to get into the shower, so we could go to lunch.  That way, I would have time to set up the gift bag and video camera.

“Ryan, I got you an early Valentines present,” I announced as my husband walked into the dining room.  He walked to the table and looked in the bag.  After just staring into the bag without touching it for ten long seconds, Ryan’s head snapped towards me, and he asked, “Are you pregnant?”  Before I could say yes, he was hugging me.  Ryan was laughing with joy while he held onto me for the longest, sweetest hug.  Most of my shock melted away in that five minutes.

Shortly after the laughing, crying, hugging session, we went to eat.  Ryan announced to the waitress that I was pregnant and started asking me who else we could tell.  You see, Ryan is terrible at keeping secrets, and this is one he really wanted to shout about.  We finally agreed that we would tell immediate family and wait until later for further spreading of the news.

During lunch, we determined that we had to go to Barnes and Noble and purchase every possible piece of literature on the matter.  We had no idea in what section pregnancy books were categorized, so we just started wandering.  We passed right by the fiction, because this was definitely real.  Although romance was involved, I doubted a book that included swelling up to the point of looking like the Michelin Man was categorized as romantic.  Self-Help: now there’s a category that makes sense, however, we didn’t find what we were looking for here.  Finally Ryan and I made our way to the parenting section (who knew!?), and picked out a whole mess of books.

Once we made it home, I took another test.  Yup…I’m still pregnant.


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