Ellie – 2 Months

The fist two months with Jelly Bean have been absolutely amazing.  She has changed so much in only the first two months of life.  I look back at her puffy faced newborn pictures, and I am astounded at how much she has grown.

After about a month, we figured out Ellie wasn’t  eating enough. Once she started getting the right amount of milk, she was much happier and growing like a weed. She gained two pounds in two weeks! That’s over a 25% gain!

Jelly bean can now hold up her own precious noggin. Rather she is held at your shoulder or laying on her tummy, Ellie can lift up that head and look around.  She loves looking at black and white books, her furry brothers, and faces. 

Ellie has also began cooing. If you mock her little sounds, she will have a whole goo goo, gaga conversation with you. Other sounds include a half laugh that sounds like a cough, squeals of delight, and what we call her dolphin sounds. 

The best development by far is her little smile. If sunshine could be captured, it would be Ellie’s morning grin.  I start hearing little rustlings in the bassinet, so I lean over and take a peek.  She catches me looking and a toothless smile spreads across her face. It’s better than Christmas morning.  Her bright eyes squint with joy and my whole being warms. 

I am infinitely blessed by this tiny life and the surprises she brings. I am surprised how much my love has grown for her father. I am surprised by the amount of pride I have when people tell me how cute my baby is. I am surprised at my capacity for baby screams. Mostly, I am surprised that an experience this amazing and fulfilling has been waiting for me. 

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