The Final Leg

Majority of my third trimester experience so far can be likened to this one single event: a target trip with my husband after work. Let me give you a few more details. 

We were there to spend gift cards on baby stuff. We were aiming to round out some essentials, so we started with infant car seats/ stroller combos. We couldn’t remember which one we had selected, so we ended up trying and testing all of them over again. If you have ever gone through this process, you know it could take hours.  We ended up finding one that we both could fold up, unfold, and snap the seat into the easiest, but not without leaving at least two strollers still folded up (for lack of unfolding capabilities) and one car seat floating (how in the world does that thing snap in?). 
As we moved on to rejudge the baby monitors, I got extremely uncomfortable. Heat filled my face like I had stuck my head into hot sand, the edges of my world got a bit like a kaleidoscope, and I was sure Ellie was sitting in a whirlpool in my stomach.  This wave of discomfort forced me to sit on the bottom shelf surrounded by towels, blankets, and burp cloths. Sitting down on the cold metal really helped, so I posted up there while my husband reviewed monitors. When Ryan came to discuss his pick, he just began laughing at the scene before him. His six and a half month pregnant wife was beet red with the tag to her maxi dress sticking out the front while sitting in a pile of baby paraphernalia. Yes, my dress was on backwards and the tag was hanging out as proof. 

The trip was interesting to say the least. We laughed pretty hard at nearly snapping a few strollers in half just trying to unfold them, but those giggles didn’t even compare to how hard we laughed at my disheveled disposition in the monitor aisle.  So that sums up third trimester so far: uncomfortable, centered around getting things done for Ellie, and full of laughter. 



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