Tri Two Updates

Cravings: no long wish everything was coated in honey roasted peanut butter and have started taking a liking to oatmeal. (Better than the cupcake kick I was on)

Weight: Right on track, and please don’t ask me about how many pounds I’ve gained. I just might be feeling lion-ish that day!

Energy: Still haven’t got the alleged second trimester burst. Where’s my burst!? 

Symptoms: First trimester symptoms have faded and new lovely symptoms have arrived. I get heartburn from something as plain as a granola bar! And rising dough with five fat little sausages have replaced where you my feet used to be. 

Dreams: All dreams now feature an infant. Sometimes she is too heavy for me to lift, and other times she is so small that I can’t tighten the car seat straps enough to even touch her body. 

Best part of Tri Two: I LOVE feeling Ellie move. She no longer feels like I need to pop some gas-X, but feels like a tiny tap dancer floating around inside. It is absolutely amazing, and I wish she would dance all day. 


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